Hello, Guy
Thank you for your personal assistance. I just received the H1 Leather agitation dog harness with handle for my seven old Malinois (Dic 2011). It is an beautiful art of craftsmanship. My Dog just walked right into it and continued his duties in a very natural manner. Adjustments have easy access and fit tailored made. I recommend this harness for what is designed for but also for regular walks and everyday use. I must also thank you for the company return policy which I was able to use on a previous item. Return procedure was right on time and customer satisfaction was of the most high professionalism. I will definitely order again in the future.Again, thanks to you and Emma for your excellent customer relations.
Michael, Puerto Rico, USA
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Agitation Leather Dog Harness Padded
Agitation Leather Dog Harness Padded

- Model: H1###1073 Leather dog harness agitation
Date Added: 12/08/2011